After Thanksgiving Strategy: Uncover Inspiration

Thanksgiving reminds to be grateful for all the good things we have and the abundance in our lives. It also reminds us about 3 reflecting questions for 2019.

After the dinner is over and guests are leaving, we start planning what to do with the leftovers - preparing guests’ take home plates, what to keep, what to throwaway, and different dishes for the coming days.

In a similar manner, we can ask 3  strategic questions to prepare for 2019:

  • What to keep or what to continue doing
  • What to get rid off or what to stop doing
  • What to do different

As important as feeling grateful, it is also important to lay out the groundwork to fuel opportunities in 2019. Take December to reflect on this past year and think how you will make 2019 a remarkable and impactful one.

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